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GSH Attends BOMA San Diego’s 2023 Awards Gala

Jessica Marcantuono
November 17, 2023
1 minute

GSH Group’s Thor Emblem and Monika Smutko were in attendance of the BOMA San Diego Awards Gala, which was held to celebrate 60 years of BOMA San Diego! It was a night filled with glamour, networking, and unforgettable moments among those of the commercial real estate industry. A big thank you to the organizers for hosting such a successful event!

GSH BOMA 2023 Awards Gala collage

We also want to congratulate GSH’s Regional Operations Director and BOMA San Diego’s Chapter President, Thor Emblem, as he won this year’s Gavel Award and “You’re the Greatest” Award. Thank you, Thor, for all that you continue to do to make GSH and BOMA San Diego the greatest they can be, keep up the excellent work!

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